Monday, November 5, 2018

Factors That Stop You From Losing Weight

Trying on one diet fad after another may not be the right way to lose weight.

Losing weight does not mean starving yourself throughout the day. The right way to lose weight is by eating a balanced diet, which means - including the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in your meals. But, food is not the only determining factor that affects weight loss or gain.

You might be on a great diet but, what if you're still not losing weight? Don't give up. There could be several reasons as to why you can't lose those extra kilos.

Do you often skip breakfast? Know this - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast leaves you feeling hungry throughout the day and you tend to overeat later, during lunch or dinner. Try having a protein-packed breakfast since it leaves you feeling full and boosts energy.

Do you oversleep? Research studies show that people who oversleep (9-10 hours a night) are more likely to put on weight than those who sleep between 7-8 hours. So, fight off your urge to sleep more and engage yourself in physical activities like - swimming, cycling, and skating. If you tend to feel tired all the time and can't get over your habit of oversleeping, there could be an underlying health risk so, visit your doctor at once.

Do you exercise enough? You can't expect to lose weight without working out. Long working hours may leave you with lesser time for physical activities but, there's no shortcut for weight loss. Regular exercising is mandatory for overall health and wellness.

Are you stressed? Work stress naturally leaves lesser time for physical activities which over time, leads to weight gain. Elevated levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, is a factor that results in overeating. Higher stress levels lead to increased urges for 'comfort food' and that certainly is bad news for your ongoing diet plan.

Are you a regular midnight snacker or a late eater? Yes, you may love midnight snacking but, if you want to lose weight - steer clear off it. Not only does midnight snacking leave you feeling lethargic, it also puts strain on your digestive system. You should also avoid late night meals as it may become difficult for your body to burn fat because of your increased blood sugar and body temperature. It is advisable to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed.

Do what works for you - and don't shy away from the weighing machine. Monitoring your weight regularly is vital to figure out what is working, and what is not.
Use the 'Trackers' functionality of Healnt to record and monitor change. It's graph feature is a great way to see progress.

Evidence-Based Weight Loss Tips

As far as weight loss goes, you may have heard/read a lot of myths. People are suggested to do different type of activities and most of the activities are not based on evidence. However, over the years, experts found tons of strategies that can help you lose weight effectively. Given below are 5 of them.

1. Drink Water Before Meals

You may have heard that drinking water is good for people who want to lose weight. And this is true. Actually, water boosts your metabolism and helps you burn a lot of calories. According to a study, if you drink half a liter of water before your meals, you will lose a lot more weight.

2. Eat Eggs For Breakfast

You can enjoy a lot of benefits if you eat whole eggs. And one of these benefits is that eggs help you shed a lot of weight. According to studies, if you replace your grain-oriented breakfast with one or two eggs, you will have fewer calories for the following day. As a result, you will shed more weight and body fat.

For some reason, if you can't go for eggs in your breakfast, you can go for another alternative. You can opt for protein as well.

3. Drink Coffee

Most people suggest that you should not drink coffee if you want to lose weight fast. But it's not true. As a matter of fact, quality coffee contains antioxidants that offer a lot of benefits.

According to a lot of studies, coffee contains caffeine that triggers your metabolism. As a result, you end up burning more calories. All you have to do is make sure you don't add a lot sugar or high-calorie ingredients as it will cancel the benefits of the coffee.

4. Drink Green Tea

Keep in mind that green tea also offers a lot of benefits. As mentioned earlier, it also helps with weight loss. Actually, green tea is heavy with a little bit of caffeine and catechins, which is an antioxidant.

Many experts believe that green tea can help you shed the extra pounds. So, it's a good idea to drink green tea on a regular basis so you can achieve your weight loss goals.

5. Use Coconut Oil For cooking

Coconut oil is good for you. As a matter of fact, it has a lot of special fats known as medium chain triglycerides. They are metabolized in a different manner. Actually, these fats boost your metabolism and help you lose 120 calories in 24 hours. Apart from this, coconut oil helps you control your appetite. As a result, you can cut down on your calorie consumption.

Here it's important to keep in mind that you don't have to add this oil to what you already eat. What you need to do is replace your cooking fats with quality coconut oil.

Long story short, if you have been looking for some evidence-based weight loss tips, you may want to check out the 5 tips given in this article.

Everyday Things To Lose Weight That's Proven

5 Simple Things To Lose Weight.

1) Drink water before meals

Drinking water... Yes we know, drinking water sounds way to easy but drinking water actually increases your metabolism for a period of 1-2 hours after drinking it. Not to mention drinking water will fill your tummy a little and stop you from over eating. Studies show drinking about a liter of water before meals helps dieters lose 44% more weight.

2) Coconut oil is your friend

Coconut oil is probably a new thing for you, but don't worry it's your friend I promise. Coconut oil is high in medium chain triglycerides which are metabolized a lot differently than other fats we eat. Medium chain triglycerides have been shown to boost metabolism by 120 calories per day and in turn helps you keep that caloric in take down.

3) Don't buy sweets for your home

This sounds so easy that it's almost stupid, I was told. But you will be amazed at the amount of times you sneak a cookie here or a piece of candy there. The less sweets you have in the house, the less likely you are to go out your way to get some. Sugar is a big factor is keeping the weight off so don't tempt yourself with your favorite candy's just drawer away.

4) Eat eggs or protein for breakfast

Eating eggs and protein have a lot of upside not only limited to losing weight but helping your body get and stay nice and toned. Just eat 1-2 eggs for breakfast studies show if you replace a grain-based breakfast with eggs you eat fewer calories over the next 36 hours. Oh, if you can't eat eggs don't worry you can use another sort of protein.

5) Drink Matcha Green Tea

Matcha Green Tea has a list of health benefits from boosting your energy level to increasing your metabolism. The antioxidants in matcha green tea actually act to block the absorption of fat cells in your body. But don't worry it will not block all the fat, you need some fat to maintain a healthy balance. Also the antioxidants in matcha help you maintain a high energy level which in turn helps burn fat and calories that you are consuming throughout the day.

Well I hope this article will help you make some small changes, to reach your weight loss goal. Remember it's not how you start your journey, but all about how you finish it.

Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism


Many people are unaware of the significance of metabolism and how it can affect the health as well. Basically, Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions that are involved in maintaining the living state of the organism and the cells. There are two forms of metabolism that include Anabolism and Catabolism.

The Catabolism is the synthesis of the entire compounds that are essential for the cells. The Anabolism is the breakdown of the molecules for the production of energy in the body. Both are associated with nutrition and therefore, constitute the basis for the proper functioning of the body.

Factors affecting Metabolism and how to boost it

1. Water: Water is the basis for all the chemical reactions in the body. If an individual is dehydrated, he might be burning off only two percent of calories respectively. Likewise, if a person drinks an ounce of water daily for every pound they weigh, he will have a higher metabolic rates as compared to those who only drink four glasses regularly.

2. Protein-Rich Foods: Iron is the main component that is essential for carrying oxygen to the muscles that need to burn fat as well. Unless the iron gets restocked in the body, the person will be at a greater risk of having low energy levels that will hinder the metabolism respectively.

Foods like beans, spinach, lean meats, shellfish, and fortified cereals are the best sources of Iron and should constitute your diet on the daily basis. But too much of iron is not good for the health as you will run the risk of the heart disease as well. In fact, the natural iron can be derived by eating the real foods more often and keeping a balance between different types of foods.

3. Vitamin D: The Vitamin D is quite imperative for the preservation of the metabolism rate and the proper form of the muscle tissue as well. But surprisingly, experts have seen that only twenty percent of the natives of USA consume Vitamin D through their diet.

It is suggested that ninety percent of Vitamin D should be taken through a 3.5 ounce serving of the Salmon respectively. The other valuable sources of Vitamin D include eggs, tuna, cereals and the fortified milk.

4. Milk: Studies have shown that calcium deficiency results in a slow metabolism. So, consumption of calcium through dairy foods is necessary and in this regard low-fat yogurt, and fat-free milk should be avoided as they tend to decrease the fat absorption from other various foods.

5. Watermelon: The watermelon is a rich source of amino acid arginine that may also help in weight loss. If you begin adding amino acid arginine to your diet, you will enhance the oxidation of glucose and fat as well as increase the lean muscle in the body. Moreover, if nuts, seeds, and seafood are consumed reasonably, they will make the metabolism better as well.

Apart from the above five factors, you need to pay attention to your muscle mass, diet and the physical activity. The muscle mass can be maintained in the right manner through exercise and lifting of weights. The diet has to be kept in balance at all times. Lastly, daily exercise will help you to increase the muscle mass so that the body will burn the calories efficiently.

offer health tips and information. Besides these services, we also educate to our clients on how to manage your diet. We have a dedicated team of professionals and experts who are always available for your help.

Easy To Do Weight Loss Tips

When you're starting to lose weight anything that'll make things easier on yourself is worth trying. It's not the so-called miracle cures that you should listen to. It's the genuine, sound advice that will put you on a healthy and balanced course for the long-term.

Here are 5 easy to follow weight loss tips to that you use at the beginning of your weight loss journey.

1. Get Some Scales

This is a very important and very easy weight loss tip. You'll need some scales to keep an eye on your weight and some scales for your kitchen to serve out the right portion sizes of food. Many of us overindulge when we don't measure our portions.

2. Get Support

It's very helpful to have support on your weight loss journey so that you can stay motivated to continue even when things are at their most challenging. Find yourself an exercise or dieting buddy. Research shows that sticking to your diet is a lot easier when somebody is doing it with you. You can help each other to reach your targets and create healthy new habits. If you can't find anybody who wants to diet or exercise with you, then simply share your weight loss objectives with someone you trust to keep yourself accountable.

3. Use A Notepad

You need a notepad to record what you're eating, and even the exercises you're doing if that helps. Despite the fact that it can be time consuming, when you know exactly what goes into your body it will help you to improve things step by step. Your notepad can also be used as a place to let off steam if you're feeling irritated, and to boost your motivation to carry on.

4. Clear The Junk From Your Food Cupboards

Your weight loss journey will be much easier if you remove temptation in your home. Sort through all your cupboards and get rid of food that will lead you down the wrong path and won't help your goals. Then go shopping and buy lots of healthy and balanced snacks, like fresh fruit and vegetables, that you can have handy when you feel hungry.

5. Choose An Exercise Program That You Like

We all know that exercise is important to weight loss but it you're trying to do exercise that you don't like, you'll struggle to keep doing it. Take the time to find an exercise routine that feels best for you. This could mean starting by walking every day, or joining a new dance class. Whatever you do, make sure you put it into a solid plan and that you stick with it!